Enhance In-Home
Specialized Services
with Ontario’s
Equipment and
Training Fund
The Ontario government recently launched a new $10M Equipment and Training Fund initiative to improve access to key diagnostic equipment in Long-Term Care homes to reduce avoidable emergency department visits and hospital admissions.
This new dedicated fund will help address the most common conditions that lead to emergency department transfers such as falls, urinary tract infections, pneumonia and congestive heart failure. The fund also supports the acquisition of treatment equipment and supplies for improved IV therapy and wound closure support.
As your trusted partner, we empower you to provide care with confidence in the comfort of your Long-Term Care homes. We’ve handpicked the diagnostic equipment and products you need to reduce the transfer of residents to emergency rooms. Shop from our curated list to streamline your decision-making process and save time.
Increase onsite specialized services in your home. Browse our featured products here.
Browse furniture online at your convenience. To place an order or inquire about pricing, please get in touch with us today.

LTC Year End 2023 Catalogue
*Refer to Announcing initiatives to Improve Diagnostic Services for LTC for more information.